

Alhamdullilah, Ihsan Institute (formerly Ihsan Academy) is now registered as a trust. The Institute has heavy and growing monthly expenses for teacher salaries, rent, furniture, repairs, maintenance, utilities, books, promotional material, messaging, printing etc.

We look forward to gaining your regular and generous support. Your contribution can be deposited as follows:

Bank IslamiTitle : IHSAN INSTITUTE
Account #: 100320966410001

Do send the deposit slip/confirmation for record.

If you wish to send your contribution via some other method please feel free to contact our representatives below:
If you are not already contributing (or if you wish to increase) please contact

Assad Farooqi 03332114532
Saad Jafri 03212006455
Or email contributions.khi@ihsaninstitute.org

If you have already contributed or desire to contribute to Ihsan Institute kindly fill out the form below for accountancy purpsoess

    Please share any other requests that you may have with regards to your contribution

    - As long as you keep wanting Allah (swt), Allah will keep wanting you - Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed (db)